Friday, August 31, 2012

My Published Journalist

Sarah continues to write for the local newspaper.  She writes a small editorial for Truth of Youth each week.  She has done a really good job of presenting her opinion in a clear and concise way although I sometimes have to tone down her ferocity.  She has some STRONG opinions.

Here is this week's submission for the question "Are you ready for back to school?"  I wonder, as her former homeschool teacher, if I should be offended?

            I am so ready for school! I am so excited that I’m counting down the days.

Even though I have had a good time this summer and enjoy sleeping in, I can’t wait

to get back to school. I’m looking forward to seeing all my friends and teachers

again. Since I was homeschooled until in January of this year, this is

technically my first time going “back to school”.  I love that my school makes

learning so interesting and all of the extra programs like art, drama, P.E. and music

keep school exciting. I love my school and I can’t wait to get back.

7th Grade

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