Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Another Year Gone By

Well, the last day of school has come.  I actually made it!  By that I mean I actually let someone else school my children for five whole months.  I admit at times it was challenging for me to let it go.  I still have some reservations about math for both girls and spelling for Little Girl.  We WILL be doing some schooling over the summer for me to evaluate how much kids have gained or lost in the last five months.

The girls have had a great time at school.  Made some new friends and had some experiences that they would not have had, otherwise.

Recently, Big Girl went with her class to an island off of Washington for a week of camping. I would post her pictures but her camera, sadly, did not make it back.  She had a great time despite the cold and rain and a bout of sickness.

Little Girl and I then went on her class trip overnight in a air/space museum. Evergreen Air and Space. Home of the Spruce Goose. It was a lot of fun but the real hit of the trip was the water park next door (indoor, of course).  It was a blast!  I can't wait to go back soon with Daddy and Big Girl.

Here is a before and after pic of the girls...They have grown so much...Boo Hoo!

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